Nitrous Car Tuning

Nitrous Car Tuning

Luckily, we live in the age of the internet, and that means that, with or without any formal training, just about anyone can learn to do just about anything at all. Just, you know, make sure you know what you’re doing. Go online and find some instructions and study them until you’re completely sure that you know what they’re saying. Here are a few ways to learn the art of Nitrous Tuning.

Online Guides

If you want to be a professional mechanic, then you need to know how everything works, how it all fits together. If all you want to do is tune your own set of wheels, though, then all you really need is a few online guides. By simply reading these and learning how to perform specific tasks in regards to your vehicle, you’ll eventually develop a more complete understanding, and until then, you can just punch in “How To (Do whatever you want to do)” and find a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial on it.

Tuning Videos

Find a site like Nitrous Tuning where you can see how it’s done on video. The online guides are great and all, but nothing beats actually SEEING how it’s done, step by step. Actually, it’s up to you and depends on what kind of a learner you are. If you’re strongly visual oriented, then you’ll want to go ahead and check out some videos. Otherwise, stick with the guides, or if you’re very audio oriented, listen to the videos. Find the way of learning that works for you and go with it.


When it comes to installation, the good news is that the product you just bought will probably come with some instructions on how to get it into your ride in one piece. The bad news is that these instructions are usually written by professional engineers and technicians who assume that your level of expertise is about the same as theirs. So if you ever get thrown for a loop by these overly technical guides, just refer back to steps one and two: Online guides and videos.

What you want isn’t so much advice from some expert who makes six figures a year, but advice from someone in the same boat as you, just with a little more experience, and that’s what you’ll find on the web.

A Word On Safety

It goes without saying that you have to put safety first when you’re dealing with half ton pieces of metal designed to move at speeds of more than a hundred miles an hour. So before you get into it, keep the following words of wisdom in mind to keep both yourself and your car safe.

If You’re Not Sure, Don’t Do It

There’s always some trial and error in working on your car, especially if you’re trying to fine tune it for top performance, that said, you don’t want to jump in with the wrench and start banging away unless you at least have an idea of what to do. You don’t want to find yourself having no idea where to go next because you didn’t study the instructions carefully. Look, it’s easy enough to get the tutorial on the web no matter what you want to do, so why risk your car with some random experimentation? Just make sure that you actually take the time to figure out what you’re doing to your car and why before you do it.

Test Drive in a Safe Place

If you were thinking of just hitting the road as soon as you finished playing around with your engine, think again. The last thing you want is to remember that you forgot a vital piece or step while going seventy on the freeway. Test drive your car in any big, open expanse you can find. This could be the dirt road behind your buddy’s house or the parking lot at work, but don’t take your car to the streets until you’ve seen how your handiwork paid off. If you’re new to tuning your car, you never know what might go wrong.

User Forums

If you’re ever not sure, if you’re ever just plain confused, lost, or even if there’s just one step that you don’t think you’re quite picking up on, or, if you find all of a sudden that this part may or may not be compatible with your ride but want to make sure before sending it back, that’s what user forums are for. There thousands of other motorheads out there who have been in your shoes before and might have just the information you need to carry through with your tune up, but you’ll never know until you ask.

If you’re a serious car lover, it can’t hurt to join some message boards so that you can ask for some free advice whenever you hit a snag, and give advice out, likewise, when someone asks a question you might have the answer to.

What we’re getting at here is there’s really no excuse to not know how to do what you want to know how to do in this day and age. Here in the twenty first century, if you want to learn how to do anything at all from baking some great cookies to taking care of your car all on your own and tuning it to perfection with no outside help, well, here’s the bottom line that we’ve been getting at: The great thing about the internet is that you get all the world’s expertise and experience all in one place and for free, so there’s no excuse to pay professionals tens of bucks an hour to do it for you anymore.


This short 7 min video will give you a good introduction to Nitrous…

Nitrous Car Tuning
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