Category Archives: News

Latest car trends and news from around the world worth knowing about.

Brake Upgrades

Brake Upgrades

DBA walks the walk with 4WD stopping distances. Strangely, brake upgrades are often overlooked when it comes to 4WDs. They’re simple, cost­ effective and work extremely well to improve performance and safety, but regardless they’re often shuffled down to the bottom of the modification list of many budding 4WD enthusiasts. DBA takes great pride in… Continue Reading

How Electronics has Changed the Car Industry

How Electronics has Changed the Car Industry

Electronics have changed many areas of our lives. The car industry in particular has been transformed by the latest electronic developments. Early car models were purely mechanical machines but electronics now play a huge role in the operation of modern cars. Electronic components are used to build, operate and repair modern vehicles. The industry has… Continue Reading

Most Fuel Efficient Cars in 2023

Most Fuel Efficient Cars in 2023

The newness and hype surrounding fuel-efficient vehicles has worn off for the media now that they’ve been on the market for so many years, but that doesn’t mean that fuel-efficient cars have stopped innovating and finding new ways to save money, use less fuel, and produce fewer harmful emissions. The technology surrounding fuel-efficient vehicles is… Continue Reading

How Technology Has Changed the Car Industry

How Technology Has Changed the Car Industry

The car industry is always one of the first industries to embrace emerging technologies. Technology affects the way cars are built, operate, are maintained and repaired. Each year new methods are used to make cars safer, easier to fix and make them more efficient. These are some of the most important technologies that have changed… Continue Reading

The Future of Tyres

The Future of Tyres

When thinking of safety and functionality  of a vehicle, it’s just as important to have a look at the tyres. Like every part of the automotive industry, tyre manufacturers are working hard to meet the demands of today’s drivers. First and foremost , products need to be safe, functional, eco­ friendly and affordable, while manufacturers… Continue Reading

Car Industry Scams and How To Avoid Them

Car Industry Scams and How To Avoid Them

Buying and selling cars and car-related products comes with certain risks. Every year thousands of motorists are scammed by individuals and businesses who take advantage of unsuspecting buyers and sellers. Some scams involve small amounts of money, while others ruin people’s lives forever. Even the most cautious motorist can fall prey to these people, so… Continue Reading

LIT Motors C1: The Car-Like Motorcyle That Can’t Fall Down

LIT Motors C1: The Car-Like Motorcyle That Can’t Fall Down

Imagine, a vehicle that drives like a car, but balances itself on two wheels. Too late–LIT Motors already did it, back in 2012. As this BBC video demonstrates, the all-electric LIT Motors C1 electric motorcycle is an amazing feat of engineering. Using gyroscopes and electric motors to keep its balance, the C1 really can’t be… Continue Reading

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