Category Archives: Chip Tuning

How to tune car performance, modify various component to behave differently… including beginner/advanced tutorials.

Benefits Of An Engine Management System (ECU)

Benefits Of An Engine Management System (ECU)

Many individuals have the possibility to create a more efficient performing vehicle by adding an engine management system to their car. An engine management system is basically an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) which receives signals from various sensors, make calculations and sends output signals to carry out various functions and operations within and around the… Continue Reading

Getting Started With Car Tuning: Part 1

Getting Started With Car Tuning: Part 1

The benefits, advantages and fun to be had with car chip tuning… Tuning your car’s engine takes some skill and know-how but once you have started to master it you will find yourself enjoying hours of fun. What is meant by the phrase “engine tuning”. Let’s start by accepting that the engine comes in many… Continue Reading

Quality Engine Tuning From Professionals

If you have purchased a high performance motor vehicle then you’ll want to get the most out of its performance without running the risk of any damage to its components. This is why when you’re looking for that little bit extra from the engine and other running gear you’ll want to know that you’ll be… Continue Reading

Supercharger VS. Turbocharger

Supercharger VS. Turbocharger

To answer the question “What is the difference between a supercharger vs turbocharger“, it is important to first learn what they are and how they benefits in building a tuning car. A supercharger is a device that pressurizes or compacts or compresses the air which is being sent to an engine. The compressed air thus… Continue Reading

Professional Chip Tuning

Professional Chip Tuning for Improved Vehicle Performance and Fuel Consumption Improving your vehicle to achieve the maximum result in low fuel consumption whilst still having the best performance rates from your engine may sound too good to be true. The fact is that this can easily be done by a professional chip tuning programmer. The… Continue Reading

Simple Guide To Racing Headers

Simple Guide To Racing Headers

There are many ways in which you can improve your car performance and one of these is by installing racing headers. You can buy them from your local service stations or shop on the Internet. You are able to make great savings if you use the Internet well. The headers effectively improve the way your… Continue Reading

Engine Tuning

Engine Tuning To Improve Vehicle Performance Every vehicle that comes off the factory room floor has a specific engine that has been designed and manufactured to perform a certain way. That level of performance is often governed by local law in every single country and as a result, a vehicle has to be modified to… Continue Reading

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Total Car Diagnostics helps fellow home car owners, mechanics, technicians, garage shops, engineers, ECU programmers and auto repair centers — to significantly cut down on maintenance, repair costs, time, money, energy… and all other frustrating headaches involved with dealing with vehicles — by providing cost-effective advice, tools and recommendations.

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