TOAD - Car Diagnostic Tool for OBD2, OBDII ATTENTION all serious DIY home car owners or auto mechanics...

Quickly, Easily and Safely 'HACK' Your Car To Run Better & Faster — Also Save Money and Time On Repairs By...

Performing Advanced OBD Diagnostics, Reading/Clearing Faults... And Legally Optimize Performance, HP, Fuel Efficiency, Torque, Engine Longevity and Power — Just Like $250p/h Professional Mechanics Would Do... ”

About OBD2 Software TOADTOAD-Pro can dig deeper into car's OBD2 fault system than high-end $1,000 OBD professional diagnostic scan tools...
Software Updated:

What is TOAD®
(TOTAL OBD & ECU Auto Diagnostics™)?

TOAD® is a complete professional OBD2 scan tool software for ELM327 interfaces that lets you perform powerful and comprehensive health and performance checks on your car - like never before possible.

It will show you in precise detail what's going on inside different systems via visual, easy-to-understand customizable graphs.

You can also make optimized performance changes by editing, tuning and reprogramming cars ECU chip data (brain that controls how the car runs). This is typically called "car tuning".  [More about tuning.]

We make this possible for you by including 17 sensational car-manufacturer-approved OBD2 software — that will connect to your vehicle as seen below:


Connect Car to Interface and OBD2 SoftwareIt's simple as hooking up ELM327 (USB, Bluetooth, WIFI) - and loading up TOAD OBD2 Reader/Scanner Software.

What's more, TOAD will instantly show you existing problems and DTC 'check engine' faults often associated with the concerning "malfunction indicator light" (MIL) on the dashboard.

But our OBD diagnostic tool goes beyond traditional OBD2 scan tools or handheld OBD code readers. TOAD will tell you where the 'check engine' related fault is LOCATED - and how to fix it. This is something you'll only find possible at mechanics. Now you're totally in control!

In short, this kind of thorough OBD tool capability could save your car from potential future failures — ultimately saving you thousands of lost dollars, time and frustration before the vehicle brakes down unexpectedly. Worse yet, leaving you or your customer stranded!

Exapand to see practical example how TOAD can help...
andoid ios obd apps
FACT : TOAD on average extracts 50-90% more DTC 'check engine' fault codes and critical operations data... than Android/iOS apps (like Torque, OBD Car Doctor, DashCommand, ScanMaster, EOBD Facile), or common hand-held OBD2 scan tools. This is because TOAD is constantly improved by finest car engineers and technicians responsible for moving auto-industry standards forward.

Bottom line: This is the SAME type of software that's usually ONLY reserved for highest rated, registered and acclaimed car repair shops, manufacturers, serviceman and mechanics — which they pay upwards of $3,000 to obtain. And it's now available to you at fraction of the cost and with same capabilities as you'll see below.

For example — TOAD OBD software allow you to:

> Perform a thorough health-check on your car
> Diagnose and present common problems
> Tune/edit any cars ECU data values (for home car enthusiasts and/or for your customers if you own a car business)
> "Hack" your car's performance
> Optimize fuel efficiency
> Build custom dashboards/charts/graphs/gauges with live data (can also save as .csv)
> Reveal and fix problems that mechanics usually charge $250+ p/h for
> Analyze Dyno / Dynamometer and Horsepower/HP & Torque
> Discover how fast your car is with 0-60 speed timings — more accurate than just using plain old GPS
> Comprehensive CO2 emissions readout
Supports 9 Modes of data:
* Mode 1 - Analog/Digital Gauges (160/215 Generic PIDS)
* Mode 1 - List View (220 Generic PIDS)
* Mode 2 - Freeze Frame Data
* Mode 3 - Read Current Faults
* Mode 4 - Clear Faults
* Mode 5 - O2 Sensor Test Result (Non CAN Bus)
* Mode 6 - On-board Test Result
* Mode 7 - Read Pending Faults
* Mode 8 - Evaporative System Leak Test
* Mode 9 - VIN, Performance Tracking Data, ECU Name, Calibration and Verification ID
* Mode A - Read Stored Faults


In addition to software's help — you'll also get comprehensive step-by-step manuals that'll save you time, money and frustration by quickly revealing the vehicles fault code error, it's meaning, where the problem is located... and how to fix it using the most cost-effective way.

Is This OBD Software & Car Tuner Right For Me?

TOAD® is suitable for home car owners who want to save hundreds of dollars by doing itaudi bmw vw honda toyota etc... themselves. Or for professional car mechanics/service shops that need the latest cutting-edge detection, reading and ECU car chip tuning software.

What's more — we offer unlimited and lifetime personal technical support, provided by experienced car mechanics. This to ensure that you make maximum use from TOAD software for your vehicle(s).

You'll be guided by expert step-by-step, simple-to-follow advice on anything that has to do with car repair, OBD diagnostics, ECU chiptuning/programming and 3rd party service recommendations.

We breathe and live this stuff every day! So feel free to contact us. 🙂

Eitherway — hopefully you'll start to notice as you keep reading below that we're authentic car experts — and the software you're about to own is absolutely world-class.

fade-leftfade-rightQUESTIONS and ANSWERS

Q1: Is My Car Supported?

CHECK 1: Ensure the vehicle (any brand) complies with below dates in country you live.

  • Australia/NZ: Cars made/imported AFTER 1 Jan 2006.
  • Canada: Cars made/imported AFTER 1 Jan 1998.
  • Europe (any country within continent): Petrol cars made/imported AFTER 1 Jan 2001. And Diesel cars made/imported AFTER 1 Jan 2004.
  • United States: Cars made/imported AFTER 1 Jan 1996.
  • Africa (entire continent): NOT supported.
  • All other countries? Check compatibility.
CHECK 2: All car manufacturers & brands are supported, except: Tesla, Chevrolet (Chevy), Dodge / Ram, GMC, Jeep, Land Rover.
Q2: What Systems Are Supported On My Car?
Engine and Transmission. They are two main systems that account for 99% of faults and hazardous brake downs.

ABS, SRS, Brakes, Airbag is NOT supported. For these critical systems, safest to go to mechanic.

See specifically what systems are supported...

Q3: What is TOAD & What Software is Included?
TOAD™ is collection of car diagnostics and tuning software — jam packed inside an online downloadable membership. It gives you the same functions as original dealer car diagnostic tools (that are only available at car factories or repair shops and inaccessible to the public).

* Software is downloadable.

* Keep reading below to see what specifically it'll do for your car.

Downloadable software are divided into 4 categories:

  1. OBD II (also called OBD 2) Software
  2. OBD I Software
  3. ECU Car Tuning and Editing Software
  4. Other: Manuals, Emission Testing, Radio Decryptors, ECU Map Files

All 4 categories cover absolutely every vehicle interest imaginable. Whether you're a car hobbyist — or CEO of a major car repair shop who wants to double your income.

In summary: You're going to take back control of your car's performance, power, longevity and health. All from comfort of your laptop/tablet. And with less time, money and effort compared to many similar competitor scan tools on the market.

Q4: What Connection Interface Should I Get?
elm327 scan tool interface

We no longer offer ELM327 Connectors at TOAD checkout — because they can be found at lower cost on Amazon, and of equal quality. Even better, if it doesn't work, Amazon gives 100% money back refund, including shipping cost. So there's less risk on your part. Buy Connector From Amazon Here

Q5: What Do I Need To Run TOAD Software?

elm327 scan tool interfaceAll you need is: Any Laptop with Windows. All TOAD OBD software have been tested on Windows (32/64 bit) and support: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11+.

Software supports these languages: English, Czech, Dutch, French, Greek, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish


mac obd supportMAC Support: All TOAD software is built for Windows. So you will need Windows on your MAC computer via either Boot Camp or Virtual machine.


linux obd supportLinux Support: Not supported.

Q6: I'm a Pro Mechanic. Do I Still Need TOAD?
Already perform custom ECU map editing? Own professional high-end diagnostic scan tools (like AutoBoss, Launch x431, SnapOn, Autel)? Consider yourself a proficient car repairer / engineer / technician?

The answer is... TOAD does 99% of what high-end (in the $3,000+ range) automotive scan tools do.

Because it consists of multiple applications that cover and specialize in various purposes and car systems. Including ECU map editing software. So nothing is left out.

In fact TOAD is more oriented towards expert car shops then home car owners.

Q7: I'm Not a Mechanic! Will I Understand TOAD?
It depends on your skill set and your vehicle's problem. Whole point of our product is to help you figure out what service (if any) your vehicle requires. However only 1% of our customers ever complained about software's logistical use. And data provided by the software is easy to figure out.

Just Google the fault (MIL - malfunctioning indicator light) and you'll find hundreds of open solutions from people who've already solved it. In addition, TOAD also includes this 'check engine' DTC faults database in your online membership.

Either way — whether you're a skilled technician or do-it-yourself'er — TOAD offers you unparalleled access to your vehicle's OBD II systems that you can quickly examine the test results and live sensor data.

Best of all... our User Guides are packed with information that will help you understand engine management and how to use our tool to diagnose the problem.

If you don't have the tools or mechanical skills to perform the work, then at least you'll be armed with the knowledge of what the problem really is. 

Q8: Why Not Buy a Cheap Scan Tool to Clear the 'Check Engine' Light — or Just Ignore It?
Because a cheap scan tool will just reset the "Check Engine/Service Engine" indicator. It won't dig deeper into the problem and tell you what's wrong and what can be done to fix it.

Advanced OBD2 readers like TOAD can do this. And ignoring it until your next service is asking for trouble. Because car could be undergoing a potentially hazardous issue with unexpected breakdowns.

You need the peace of mind that your vehicle is in top operating condition. Even if the problem is trivial, it could affect your vehicle's performance and that's costing you money.

TOAD OBD Software Features and Benefits...

check engine light
Clear your Check Engine Light:

Don't waste your time and money going to a mechanic just to find out why your check-english light in on. A mechanic will typically charge you $75 for this simple diagnostic procedure. Using our scan tool, you could do it at tome at your convenience, without the frustration of going to the mechanic only to find out your petrol/gas cap was loose.

emission testing obd
Pass Emissions Testing:

Is it time of your vehicle to get an emissions test? Most status in USA and other countries now do their testing through the OBD-II port. Our T.O.A.D scan tool package will let you to check your own vehicles emissions status before you go wait in line to pay for the test. This way you can be 100% confident it'll pass!

* Supports many older OBD-I and all new OBD-II cars. Can also read modern vehicles with encrypted ECU's.
* Supports multiple protocols (controller modules) including:

  • CAN Bus
  • SAE-J1850 (PWM and VPW)
  • ISO-9141
  • ISO-14230 (KWP2000), and ISO-15765 (CAN)
  • CAN [11bit and 29bit]
  • ELM327
* Supported OBD protocols:

  • OBD1 & OBD2 (California ARB — applies to North/South America)
  • EOBD (European OBD)
  • JOBD (Japanese OBD)
  • ADR (Australian OBD)
  • JDM (Asian OBD)
* Monitor real time data (while car is moving or when ignition is ON) like: Engine Temperature, O2 Value, RPM, Speedometer, LAC Value, Battery Voltage, Ignition Angle, etc...
* Analyze Fault Codes and get Solutions (Comprehensive OBD2 Code Analysis)
* ECU Chip Tuning, Correction, Remapping
* ECU Map Editor
* Contains 14,000+ optimized car ECU map files. Total Value: $28,500
* Built-in database of over 15,000 fault code definitions (generic and manufacturer-specific codes for engine/transmission)
* Oxygen Sensor test results tab
* Full database built-in of generic fault code definitions.
* Configure your sensors' ranges, scaling value, audible alert triggers, units, and sampling rate
* Reset or Turn-off Warning & Service Lights
* Increase Your Cars Brake Horse Power BHP HOT!
* Access Vehicles Electronics Enhanced OBD
* Decode Car Stereo Security Code.
* Reset Engine Management Light
* Clear trouble codes and turn off the MIL ("Check Engine" light) check engine light - mil
* Check Transmission System
* CAL ID and CVN decoding
* Recording and Playback of Sensor Data.
* Read identification: Displays complete identification of control unit. EG: part number, software/hardware version, manufacturer, etc...
* You can record and playback log files in real time (1ms logging accuracy).
* You can save and load your log files for offline analysis.
* Read freeze-frame data. With Freeze Frames you will be able to retrieve a "snap-shot" of OBD2 sensor data when your ECU stores trouble codes.
* Don't wait until you have a problem with your vehicle. Use TOAD's Data Logger to record healthy engine parameters and use that data to help spot problems in the future.
* Alerts feature produces an audible warning when a parameter value (coolant temperature, RPM, etc) goes outside normal operating range.
* The Vehicle Manager can keep track of multiple vehicles and owners simultaneously.
* No restrictions on how much data you can log and for how long
* English and Metric (SI) unit measurement systems supported.
Export with real-time stamps for easy correlation with external data logs.
* View all 11 Inspection/Maintenance systems and Mode 6 data
* Read the vehicle's diagnostic trouble codes, live vehicle sensors (including wide-band O2 sensors), actuate bi-directional controls, reset adaptations, and view inspection/maintenance system test results to quickly determine what service the vehicle requires.
* OBDII Shell Terminal
* Fast Update Refresh Rates. Older cars will do between 4 - 6Hz with generic OBD 2. Later model vehicles that use CAN will show between 6 - 16Hz with generic OBD2.
* Continuous real time digital/graphic display of up to 90 Pids of power train data.
* Software has automatic discovery of correct COM port and factory set baud rate of scan tool. Eliminating manual time-consuming configuration of software. It's install-and-ready!
* Read current Petrol/Gas//Diesel fuel consumption. (Liters per 100km/h, Miles per Gallon, Liter per hour, etc).
* Compatible with 12/24 Volt batteries.
* Read exact fault/condition of DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) & EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) — so you know what and how to fix it.
* DPF and EGR regeneration. Regenerate, remove or disable DPF and/or EGR condition. This is crucial for all Diesel vehicles.
* Actuator Function: Let's you activate various vehicle components into test mode to verify they're actually working properly on physical level (not just what sensor picks up).

How Is TOAD Different to Other Similar Car Diagnostic Packages On the Market?

TOAD OBD vs competition
While TOAD stands as the king of "manufacturer-approved" professional all-in-one scan tools for both DIY car owners and mechanics — it's not the only package of it's kind.

So here's 3 major differences that separates TOAD from other car diagnostics OBD scanners and readers on the market...

(Yes, we're aware there's thousands of OBD2 scan tools online. That's why we investigated hundreds of them and included functionality of the absolute BEST OBD2 diagnostic tools... right inside TOAD! That way, you're not missing anything out.) 

  • TOTAL OBD & ECU Auto Diagnostics® (TOAD) is a 2-in-1 package.

    Most competitors either provide:

    OBD software: Performs car diagnostics, scanning, reading, fault analysis, etc.


    ECU Remapping software: Changes cars actual operating procedure. For example more/less fuel injection, editing maps, etc…

    TOAD applications do both.

  • Supports Generic and Car Specific OEM Parameters

    Most competitors will only provide software that deals with generic universal OBD codes/parameters (applicable to all cars). Meaning most of car-brand-specific factors won’t be read. Usually limiting the software at 50% of it’s capabilities.

    TOAD includes generic and car-brand-specific codes/parameters. Meaning you’ll have equal control of the car’s OBD/ECU as the original manufacturer does.

  • Professional Free Guides and Repair Manuals

    TOAD contains manuals that include thousands of pages on fault codes, patches, PCB layouts, pictures, schematics, repair instructions, etc…

    The Manuals are all layed out in a step-by-step, structured order and easy to understand, even for an average home person. However it does have comprehensive sections for advanced mechanics/service repair shops.

    For example, each chapter shows trouble codes, their probable causes, their locations, and their solutions.

    In addition, it also lists all the car models throughout the world to whom those codes, faults and solutions apply. So it doesn’t matter what car you own or dealing with, because it’s included with sections of dedicated material on it.

    Meaning, you’ll save time and frustration by quickly pin-pointing the problem and how to fix it using the most cost-effective way.

Okay, So What's the Cost For this Incredible Package?

If you're an auto mechanic or car shop, let's do a quick price comparison...

Last time I checked, buying a professional OBD scanner, car diagnostic tool or OBD code reader... that's constantly UPDATED and improved to have maximum compatibility with the latest OBD2 car standards — would set you back at least $3,000.

Now imagine buying software for both reading car data PLUS car tuning / reprogramming car chip data. You're looking at least over $25,000. And there's no guarantee competitor software will 100% because you're dependent on ONE software only to do the job.

With TOAD, you'll have multiple software applications as form of backup. Each has it's own set of strengths. This exponentially increases your chances of successfully connecting to cars OBD2 diagnostics system and performing tuning.

If you're a home car owner...

Without TOAD — you can always take your car to a mechanic who is going to charge you at least $250+- p/h for a single typical job that TOAD-Pro can perform from comfort of your laptop.

And what happens when you stack multiple jobs throughout the years of owning your car(s), for various issues it may encounter? We're talking about spending an average $20,000 with car mechanics, just to keep your car running!

With TOAD, you'll significantly cut this cost down by up to 50-80%. Because you'll be always armed with knowing what's really wrong. Hence no dealer can over-charge you for a broken part. This also puts you in power for negotiation to get the best possible price!

Either way...

With TOTAL OBD & ECU Auto Diagnostics®, you win. Because I'm not going to charge you anywhere near the thousands of dollars that you'll ultimate save when you get a hold of this package. Especially when you account all the lost time and frustration you would've otherwise likely experienced without these powerful tools at your disposal.

I've decided to make this all-in-one software package available to you for only $497 $397 $297. Simply because we'd like to make this available to as many folks who are in need of cutting down on costs and saving time and overall headaches. Your investment is still minuscule to the costs you'll save as I've mentioned above.

Plus this is a one-time investment for lifetime support.

The world's most powerful, complete and comprehensive OBD/ECU diagnosis and remapping software package can be yours in the next 5 minutes by placing your order .

What Others are Saying About TOAD...

TOAD Review

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Of course, if you're skeptical for whatever reason, I'd like to make this as a risk-free offer as you can get...

100% "Better-Then-Risk-Free" 1-Year Money Back Guarantee

Look, we've been in this car diagnostics industry for 15+ years. We're not here to play around. Nor waste anyone's time and money. We personally used almost every OBD2 software/scanner for thousands of different vehicles throughout our career.

For that reason I can separate the good from the bad. The powerful, accurate, genuinely-useful, compatible and reliable — from the generic, featureless and incompatible.

And what we've done is combined all the best OBD2 scanning technologies from every known OBD2 software on the market (including Android OBD apps), and loaded it into our TOAD OBD2 Windows laptop software.

On top of that, you have our lifetime support. Simply can't go wrong.

Which is why I'm so confident that you too will find our OBD software extremely profitable, helpful and reliable throughout your use.

For this reason, you have 1 full year from today to try and play with the software. And if for whatever reason TOAD OBD2 laptop software doesn't save you tons of time, effort, money and remove frustration in regards to car servicing, repair and tuning — then simply email us and we'll issue 100% refund on the spot. (All licenses will be remotely disabled and membership restricted on refund).

Fair enough?


Here's 5 Good Reasons to Own TOAD Today...

  • Factory applications for SPECIFIC car models.

    All generic scan tools can only access the powertrain/transmission and engine. With our car-model-specific applications — you can access additional crucial engine components that generic or Android apps and scan tools can’t see, and are still years behind TOAD.

  • Lifetime software updates for free.

    You’re our customer for life. You can submit unlimited support tickets/emails with any questions in regards to fixing, diagnosing or reprogramming your car. So this certainly isn’t a one-off transaction. We’re in it to build a lifetime relationship with you.

  • Risk-free purchase.

    You have 1 full year to try and test out the software. If it works, great! If it doesn’t, we’ll apologize for wasting your time and refund your order. Meaning you simply can’t lose by choosing to place your order TODAY!

  • Field Tested Technical Guides

    Thousands of helpful pages (especially for mechanics) on trouble codes, their probable causes, their locations, and their solutions — for dozens of car models.

  • We're Long Time Established Company

    We’re not “another” quicky seller of car diagnostic tools – only to disappear overnight… as we’ve watched dozens of quick-buck car websites, go down since 2011. Therefore you’re getting getting involved with experienced car mechanics and long time solidly established technicians who deal with fixing, engineering and tuning cars for a living. So you’re in SAFE and RELIABLE hands of experienced life long customer support.


Summary of What You'll Get When You Place Your Order Today...


Yes! I understand when I place my order now — I'll get INSTANT download access to TOAD software in my private online membership. USB/Bluetooth connector can be purchased separately on Amazon.



Total Car Diagnostics - TOAD Software


Inside the TOAD Online Membership, you'll find:

  • Advanced, cutting-edge OBD software that only the highest rated and acclaimed car repair shops, manufacturers, serviceman and mechanics use. Software is easy and straightforward for any inexperienced home user. Software also contains help files on how to use and operate.
  • Manuals that cover car models and their fault codes. Including their probable causes, their locations, and their solutions.
  • Your software is registered with a unique License Code for support purposes and registration of software.

Retail Price: $197.00



Available for a Limited Time at $77

Price is temporarily lowered because we're doing a price marketing test during this month . Get TOAD today at $120 off while this lasts...

I urge you to take action right now and grab this complete OBD2 scanner package before we raise the price back to $197.00.

It's discounted for a limited time because we're currently doing a marketing test at $77 vs. $197.

Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this one.



Alex Eisenberg

Former Lead ECU Software Programmer and
Car Engineer in Sydney, Australia.

OBD2 Laptop Software


P.S. Software updates are free for life. Meaning you'll always be up to date with new car releases. And never be stuck because you can always rely on our lifetime support.

P.P.S. Remember, I'm putting all the bets and risk entirely on me. Because I'm gladly covering you with a unconditional, fair and honest 1 year money back guarantee. Meaning if TOAD OBD2 software doesn't help you or you're not satisfied with it for whatever reason —simply contact us and we'll help you out.


Click Here To Download TOAD In Next 60 Seconds! And Get Started With One of Most Advanced OBD2 Car Diagnostic Software In the World...

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