Engine Tuning

Engine Tuning To Improve Vehicle Performance

Every vehicle that comes off the factory room floor has a specific engine that has been designed and manufactured to perform a certain way. That level of performance is often governed by local law in every single country and as a result, a vehicle has to be modified to comply with those regulations. Whenever you bring your vehicle in for an engine tuning you essentially fine tune your vehicle to give you the best possible performance that it was originally designed for.

Most of the new vehicles you find on the road today will have an onboard computer that is designed and configured to control the overall performance of the vehicle. That program often governs the fuel consumption, timing, ignition sequences and ultimately determines how the vehicle operates. In order to get the optimal performance out of your vehicle, you have to be able to reprogram the onboard computer so that it operates according to new parameters.

There are Several Different Types of Tune Ups

When you send your vehicle in for an engine tuning, they normally push it to the limits to determine the maximum performance levels. Once they determine all the optimal settings for your car engine, the computer is reprogrammed to deliver the new fuel values and optimal timing values for every controllable component of the engine. The new configuration then allows your car to deliver more power, better fuel economy and a far more efficient engine.

Fuel tune ups economise the vehicles fuel consumption by giving the engine just enough fuel to deliver the required power while you accelerate. It also regulates the airflow and mixture inside the engine, as that also adds to the overall performance of the vehicle. Essentially, oxygen helps the fuel burn better and by adding it to the mix you can compensate for the fuel requirements and make the car more fuel efficient.

Controlling the air/fuel mixture also plays an important role when you have vehicles that have a turbo installed on to the engine. The additional airflow from a turbo also needs to be regulated if it is going to have the optimum effect on the engine. You immediately feel the difference from the moment you drive the vehicle out of the workshop.

Engine Tuning Will Give You a Marked Improvement in Performance

Vehicle manufacturers often have to compensate for certain things when it comes to compliance and as a result they have to adjust the timing and the fuel consumption values in order to meet them. When you bring your vehicle in for a tuning, those values are reset and optimised to give you a faster, fuel efficient car that gives you more power and better response times.

Not only are you getting the best out of your vehicle but you are also getting more value for money. Your vehicle is also able to deliver better performance at a far more fuel efficient rate than before. All you have to do is take the rising fuel costs into consideration these days and you automatically see the saving from the improved fuel consumption.

Engine Tuning
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