How To Drift A Car

How To Drift A Car

Thousands of videos on how to drift a car are being viewed everyday; in fact, car drifting has became a phenomenal trend in the last decade. Everyone has seen the beautiful turns and drifts of skilled drivers in the movies. Many people dream of being able to make these kinds of turns but simply do not know how. To drift like in the movies it would take years of practice, however, is not as hard as you might initially expect. To properly drift your vehicle it takes a little bit of skill.

There are two techniques that are commonly used by professional drivers and enthusiasts alike. The first technique is the most simple, and as you would expect, the easiest to complete successfully.

This technique requires nothing but turning your steering wheel as sharply as you can. Simply accelerate to a decent speed but be careful as to not attempt a drift going too fast. If you try this there is a risk of flipping your vehicle, especially if it does not have a low center of gravity.

Another precaution to take is to be sure your turn is controlled to be sure you do not spin out of control. After you reach a proper speed and have the confidence to stay in control throughout the drift, turn your wheel sharply and let off the gas pedal. The delicate combination of speed and a sharp left or right turn will send you into a nice doughnut, but not one you want to show off to the cops.

The second technique used for drifting is to use the emergency break as you drift. This is a little more difficult to finish properly, but is great for making quick 90 degree turns if you can approach the maneuver with finesse. This style of drifting should not be used for doughnuts, however, because you will likely stop after a 180 degree turn.

When implementing this style of driving is sure to let off the E-break when you complete your turn. If you take these techniques into consideration and execute them properly, you will likely complete a graceful drift.

After reading the above, drifting may sound like a fantastic idea, and it is. Before you go out and start driving your car around trying to drift around every corner you see, there are a few precautions to take.

First off, always wear a seat belt. As cliche as that sounds, it is better to spend the extra few seconds to make sure you do not go flying through your windshield. In addition to seat belt safety, always be sure to not drift somewhere that may endanger anybody else or property. As fun as drifting can be, it also has the potential to be a dangerous activity so you have to be careful.

If you take the precautions mentioned in this article, execute the maneuvers properly, and have a love for adrenaline, you will have an amazing time drifting around your city. Always be considerate to other drivers and passengers in your car. If you can do all these things then its time to pick up your keys, get in your car and have fun.

How To Drift A Car
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