Who Else Wants To Immediately Diagnose Car Faults and Optimize Engine Performance — But Can't Get Started?...
Professional Windows OBD2 Software for Car Owners, DIY Enthusiasts and Mechanics...
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What is OBD II and how can a car diagnostic scanner help you?
What are best cars diagnostic tools for you?
OBD stands for On-Board Diagnostics, which is a computer system found in modern vehicles.
Main purpose of an OBD2 system is to monitor emissions and diagnostic related information in the vehicle - which is monitored by thousands of OBD2 sensors. This allows a thorough onboard diagnose of car's health.
Scan tools can provide a plethora of benefits for both home car owners and technicians, because it gives an instant analysis of engine problem.
This saves you time from having to guess or manually search for the fault (DTC) when MIL "check engine light" engages on the dashboard.
This also means a car diagnostic scantool can troubleshoot errors before they escalate into an expensive repair.
When a diagnostic trouble code is detected, the scan tool obd system can provide useful information about engine/transmission (where 90% of faults occur), including a snapshot of the conditions which have lead up to the error or physical condition.
An obd scan tool can also provide real-time sensor readings, letting drivers record and measure attributes like vehicle speed, engine RPM, 0-60/100, torque strength and calculate fuel economy/usage.
To get started, you simply plug a OBD2 adapter or port which is located on the driver side below the steering wheel.
Using the automotive scan tool, or even a simply cheap code reader, one can safely access vehicle diagnostic computer, which is the same information a mechanic sees.
There are two types of scanner tools for cars:
Handheld scantool (and) laptop based obd software.
A stand alone diagnose scanner does not require a PC or mobile Android/iOS apps.
It often has limited functionality, lacks advanced graphs, and not upgradeable.
While car software based OBD solutions require a laptop or mobile phone with an OBD app installed.
The obd scan tool connects to the laptop or mobile device using either ELM327 USB, Bluetooth or WiFi version.
Software based automotive scan tools are most powerful in all categories because they harness the power and upgradeability for future vehicle support.
Laptop based OBD2 software has several advantages:
- Large, easy-to-read screen
- Unlimited storage for data logging
- Wide selection of diagnostic software that can be easily online updated
- Remote data acquisition
- Cost a small fraction of the price of comparable stand-alone scantools
Unless you have a knack for quick plug-n-play handheld code readers, PC based software (like TOAD) can:
- Turn off the check engine light, and erase stored diagnostic information
- Check emissions readiness
- Read and erase trouble codes (generic and manufacturer-specific)
- Display real time parameters
- Record data for later playback
- Plot data in the form of graphs & maps
- Display customizable Digital Gauges
- Serve as a dynamometer
- Provide a drag strip feature
- Analyze and solve engine misfires
- Generate printable diagnostic reports
- Access manufacturer-specific information
- Do lots of other cool and useful things that makes owning a car way more enjoyable and privileged
In our research, none of the stand alone OBD2 car diagnostic scanners available on the market can reasonably compare to the features of software.
But let's be clear, no one diagnostic tool does it all. There is no such thing as "best".
Therefore you may end up playing with more then one scanner/reader.
What else can OBD usage do for you...
Live Data
Monitor real time data (while car is moving or when ignition is ON) like: Engine Temperature, O2 Value, RPM, Speedometer, LAC Value, Battery Voltage, Ignition Angle, etc…
Service Lights
Reset or turn-off Warning, MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light/Lamp), Oil Inspection & Service Lights that mechanics would otherwise charge $250+ p/hour.
Measure Fuel Economy
Know cars exact fuel consumption under various conditions (uphill, downhill, even). With this data you can know what steps to take to reduce fuel consumption – therefore save hundreds of dollars a year on ever increasing fuel cost.
"Hack" Performance/Torque
“Hack” your car’s performance, optimize fuel consumption, perform live diagnosis and fix common problems that mechanics usually charge thousands.
Check 'Emissions-Test' Before Rego-Renewal
Time for an inspection before registration renewal? OBD test will allow you to check your emissions status before you go wait in line to pay for the test, so you can be confident that it will pass!
Test If Various Systems are Working
Good OBD Software will have Actuation Function. This let’s you activate and test various car components to verify they’re actually working properly on physical level.
TOAD-Pro is a powerful OBD software which works with most USB cable, or Bluetooth obd-ii scanners like ELM327.
And why should I trust you?
What is our purpose for existence? How do we contribute to fellow man kind?
Total Car Diagnostics empowers home car owners, mechanics, technicians, garage shops, engineers, and Auto repair centers — to cut down repair costs and double productivity.
We help eliminate frustrating experiences involved with dealing and maintaining vehicles — whether for personal use or professional reasons.
Each day our support center receives about 100 emails with common questions like:
- What is best OBD2 (OBD II) scanner for X situation?
- What is the right connector for the car?
- How do I improve engine torque / or cut down it's fuel consumption?
- Which is better, Bluetooth, WIFI or USB adapter?
- Can I trust brand X car diagnostic tools?
- What specific OBD2 software can read __?
- What is difference between EOBD, OBD, JOBD?
In a nutshell our expertise provides most cost effective recommendations for sincere people looking for answer.
Our collective help is based on 60+ years of experience dealing with most vehicle situations.
We've done ECU chip tuning, OBD2 diagnostics, repairing common issues related to electrical wiring, engine, transmission, ABS, airbag, immobilizer, dreaded malfunction indicator lamp issues, etc.
Customers using our tools perform regular workshop car service and mechanic works via our tools like TOAD, together with SnapOn, Autel and Launch.
In summary we can help you with 3 things...
OBD Scanners
Gives peace of mind to home car owners and professionals by offering easy-to-use-and-understand, yet super-powerful OBD diagnosis scan tools. These scanners/readers dig deeply into vehicles various systems or components and show hundreds of health/fault/performance data and reports. This data either can save you lot of time, money and energy in repairs/maintenance OR it will prevent a future unexpected brake-down altogether by seeing early warning signs.
Advising Auto-Mechanics
Help auto mechanics, technicians and service centers to make a lot more money in their automobile business by offering world-class car tuning and diagnostic tools that get the job done quicker and easier then existing solutions on the market. These tools are created in spirit of extensive collective experience using nearly every known chip tuning and scanning solution and software made since 1996. This translates to you receiving tried and tested profitable recommendations.
Chip Tuning
We give car enthusiasts the “know-how”, resources, software and tuner kits… to squeeze more performance (torque, BHP) out of their vehicle by tuning or modifying the ECU chip (brain of the vehicle that tells it how to run). Better yet, tuning also benefits by cutting down excess fuel consumption by up to 15-25% depending intensity of your modification. (NOTE: Tuning is like programming. For geeks only.)
What Others Are Saying About Our Products...
TOAD-Scan functionality is worth every penny.
Tim Froster
This has taken the place of my $130 scanner, mostly because it has so many more features than the typical scantool. TOAD also allows you to see live sensor data, which is much more useful in pin pointing failures or potential failures. IE, I'm planning to tow a trailer near weight capacity on my vehicle... and this app will allow me to monitor EGT's as well as transmission temps to avoid damage.
TOAD embarrassingly trumps our $3000 Scantool...
Mark Henry
I work as an auto mechanic, and we have a snap on solus machine that cost us $3k... TOAD does a better job of talking to car ECU's and helping diagnose emissions issues than the snap on machine, and has saved my butt at work several times while working on cars. Definitely a huge advantage using this. I certainly recommend this for mechanics. It may be a little too much for home user, as long as they are willing to invest an hour.
....more horsepower and better gas mileage!!!
Erick Schulze
This was probably the best money I've ever spent on my truck! Before I installed the programming in stock form my truck got 15.5 mpg and 325 miles to a tank of gas in mixed driving... Now it gets 18.5 mpg and 360-400 miles per tank of gas in mixed driving! Thanks bullydog for making such a great product with great tech support.
Helped to increase Torque
William Smart
My truck only has 79,000 miles on it and with this and a specter intake it runs a lot better and gets amazing gas milage over stock. Increase in power and it helped to increase my low end torque.
Never Get Ripped Off Again!
With TOAD You Can Diagnose & Hack Your Car Performance In 10 Minutes - with Push of a Mouse-Button!
Until now, car owners were helpless victims when it comes to knowing their cars health, saving fuel, getting more torque, power... and especially victims to expensive overcharged mechanical repairs. They'll now know exactly at push-of-a-button, what's wrong with their car and how to fix it in most cost effective way. They'll walk armed with this knowledge, and never get ripped off again by auto mechanics!

Still Have Questions about Our Products & Services?
Check out these frequently asked questions...
Is My Car Supported?
Go here and click on your country to find out.
What if it doesn't work on my vehicle?
All Total Car Diagnostics products are covered with a 1 year money back guarantee. Meaning you can return the product within 365 days from time of purchasing it. As long as it's still in original condition, we'll issue you a no-hassle, immediate refund.
What Do I Need To Run TOAD-Pro OBD Software?
All you need is a computer (laptop/tablet) powered by Windows. And the connection interface which you'll get when you choose to own TOAD.
What's so special about your software compared to competitors?
We've been in auto-industry for over 15 years. Our 60+ years of combined experience means our software is some of the most powerful OBD scanning software in the world. That's why companies like BMW and Toyota use us. We're not your "one-guy-in-his-bedroom". We're a serious company that constantly innovates. What's more, all our products get lifetime free support. Meaning you can submit a ticket to us anytime, and we'll provide you technical support.